Thursday 22 March 2012

I'm Loving...

  • The sunshine! Spring has finally sprung. Glasgow isn't the prettiest of cities but the sunlight really does bring out its beauty....and everyone just looks so much happier in the sun!
  • New pursuits. Last week I attended my first official 'We're all wing men' night, which didn't quite go as planned but was a lot of fun, and also my induction to Krav Maga, which was amazing, and my muscles are still sore!
  • New friends. I'm quite shy the majority of the time, but recently something seems to have switched, and its much easier to speak to people I hardly know, and not worry so much. My friend recommended this book to me a couple of months ago, and along with the gorgeous weather I think its given me a new way of viewing things.
  • Old friends! There's nothing better than catching up over cake and coffee with my nearest and dearest.
  • Game of Thrones Season 2 is on Sky Atlantic in April. Need I say more?!!!!
  • Icy water with fresh lemon refreshing.
  • MUA lipstick in shade 11...I think I've found my perfect everyday shade, and its only £1! 

  •  Grimes new album is beautiful! The above track is her latest single.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Rimmel 'Wake Me Up' Foundation Review

Firstly, I have to admit I’ve never liked Rimmel products. I don’t mind their nail polishes or lipsticks but among my everyday essentials not one Rimmel product makes an appearance. But, being the (rather skint student) sheep that I am, I couldn’t ignore all the hype over the new(ish) Wake Me Up foundation so decided to see what all the fuss is about. This is all despite the fact that just about a month ago I remember laughing with my friend about the very same foundation and making Edward Cullen jokes due to its sparkly properties. Well, I’m running out of Studio Fix, so times have changed.

 I picked this up for £8.99 from Boots. At the moment its on a 3 for 2 deal, but I honestly couldn’t see any other two products I’d want to buy. I think I’m finally realising I shouldn’t just spend money for the sake of it! (Maybe). The packaging is quite nice, in a nice glass bottle with a disposable pump (yay for hygienic, practical cosmetic storage solutions! I’m looking at you, Mac Comsetics).
There are only six shades available, which is ridiculous, a bit presumptuous, and eliminates a huge amount of potential customers.  I know the average high street brand can’t have enough variation to supply a perfect match to everyone, but  if L’oreal True Match is available in 20 shades then surely Rimmel branching out to, say, 10 shades shouldn’t be too much difficulty? I picked up the lightest shade available- Ivory- and hoped for the best (I'm NC15 in Studio Fix).

 The stereotypical blogger swatch test:

As you can see it has pretty good coverage, not quite as heavy as Studio Fix but significantly better than most high street foundations I’ve tried before. The ‘sparkle’ in the foundation, which looks ridiculously scary and glittery in the bottle, isn’t as apparent on the flesh (thank goodness!). It covers up my blue veins without much difficulty. 

Excusing the rather dour look I’ve got on my face, this is the foundation in action in direct daylight. I’m not wearing any primer underneath, or any powder or blush on top, and the pictures haven’t been edited to give an accurate portrayal of how it looks.

Close-up, with and without flash:

As you can see, the flash does bring out a slight shimmer to the foundation, but it’s in no way the disco-ball effect I had been slightly apprehensive about. I think a touch of powder will probably eliminate it substantially for a more matte effect.

Overall I think its a foundation deserving of all the fuss. For me, it doesn't beat my favorite- Studio Fox- for a couple of reasons. The first is obviously the lack of shades. Whilst 'Ivory' isn't  a noticeably bad match for my skintone, its not excellent either. It also gives me a slight 'mask' effect, and although some blusher should sort that out, I wouldn't exactly reach for this if I was going for a 'natural' type of look. However, it gives good coverage, smells lovely, and the shimmer genuinely does make me look more awake. 

For a daytime foundation, I would definitely recommend it.
